The genesis
I wanted an affix name that would be a nod to my children who play a real role in my breeding by being my little helpers always ready to play with the kittens, cuddle them, groom them or even change the litter._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Celia and Nathan being both of the sign of the bull, we thought quite quickly of the Hyades.
Indeed, the Hyades are an asterism in the constellation of Taurus. These are the stars which together form the V representing the head of this celestial animal (Germanicus)
The term Giant was then added to symbolize the majestic and imposing side that we adore in the Maine Coon
The name of the Giants of Hyades was born!
Our values
We have made the choice of a small family breeding (2 litters maximum per year currently) in order to be able to savor each litter and thus be totally available for each little being who comes into the world with us.
Our cats live with us, in our house, no room is forbidden and they evolve naturally in the middle of our 3 dogs (Bella, Baloo, and Louna).
It is the same for kittens who are accustomed from their first moments of life to the sounds of life and to being handled, cuddled and "papouillées" every day.
They are thus totally sensitized to all sorts of stimuli in order to be completely comfortable in their paws (my favorite expression). However, in order to guarantee their safety, they do not have free access to the house but only under our supervision.
Health among the Gseants of Hyades:
All our cats are tested against the diseases of the breed, namely Hcm, Pkd, Sma, Pkdef, Fiv and Felv and are sonographed every year heart and rbreasts (PAW certified cardiologist)PEDS Dr Yvan Gamet ProvenceVet clinic in Avignon) in order to offer you companions in great shape!
In addition, we offer our cats and kittens quality food made up of carefully selected kibble. Guaranteed grain-free. "100%grain free" with the FARMINA brand as well as quality wet food (fresh meat, almo, schesir etc).
Our cattery is registered with LOOF and we are members of the MCCF (Maine Coon club de France), as well as the SNPCC.
We have chosen to participate in a few exhibitions.
Quite simply to meet other enthusiasts, discover other cats.
For breeders, it is also the best way to see if they are working in the right direction.
Each judgment in exhibition allows me to evaluate the positive and negative points of my lines, and thus adapt my work accordingly. Of course, I don't rely on just one judgement, and that's why our cats go out to several shows in order to have the judgment of several different judges.